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“Cheese-moving-value creators”

“Cheese-moving-value creators”

by digby

The NY Times featured a huge expose of the natural gas industry on Sunday singling out several companies for corruption on a number of levels.The CEO of one of the companies sent out an email to employees explaining that the NY Times was all wet and that they are actually following the law and accounting rules to the letter etc, etc.

Get a load of this unbelievably fatuous post-script:

The US natural gas industry has created more than 500,000 jobs in the past 7 years of the gas shale revolution and created tens of billions of $ in economic value at the same time, plus reduced the amount of coal and oil burned in the US – I ask you, what value has the NYT or environmental activists created during these same past seven years? You either create value in this world or you consume/destroy it – we are value creators, please never forget that and know that you are on the right side of history, they are not, so always stand tall and proud for CHK and our industry.

I’d say that somebody’s been skimming the Atlas Shrugged Cliff notes again, but it seems he has quite a library of such nonsense:

Sure, it’s become a little noisier in the media since we started moving some folks’ cheese, but we will remain committed to state of the industry performance in all that we do and we will now re-double our efforts to educate as many people as possible so that they may know the truth from us rather than distortions and dishonesty from others.


Over the course of the past few years I’ve become convinced that the problem isn’t just that CEOs and Masters of the Universe are tremendously overpaid. That’s undoubtedly true. I think the bigger problem is that so many of them are vacuous airheads.


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