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Out of the mouth of Buchanan

Out of the mouth of Buchanan

by digby

You can always count on him to articulate what the bigots are really thinking:

We have within our country 12- to 20-million illegal aliens, with Mexico the primary source, and millions of others who may be U.S. citizens but are not truly Americans. As one fan told Plaschke, “I was born in Mexico, and that is where my heart will always be.”

Perhaps he should go back there, and let someone take his place who wants to become an American.

By 2050, according to Census figures, thanks to illegals crossing over and legalized mass immigration, the number of Hispanics in the U.S.A. will rise from today’s 50 million to 135 million.

Say goodbye to Los Angeles. Say goodbye to California.

He doesn’t even see the irony of saying all that about a city and state with Spanish names.

I guess Buchanan never heard any Irish immigrant songs. Someone should play them for him some time:

I’m bidding you a long farewell My Mary, kind and true
But I’ll not forget you, darling
In the land I’m going to
They say there’s bread and work for all
And the sun shines always there
But I’ll not forget old Ireland
Were it fifty times as fair.


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