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A letter from a Californian

A Letter From A Californian

by digby

Michael Keegan writes to our former Governor:

Dear Arnold:

How does it feel? Any pangs of regret?

On Friday, the governor of New York signed a marriage equality bill, hours after it was passed by the legislature. It’s being called a monumental historic victory and is in the news all around the world. The suspense leading up to it built for weeks, ending in a cliffhanger finish that rivaled your biggest Hollywood blockbusters. New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been called a true hero, and is even being mentioned as 2016 presidential material. And he’s not even a showy guy. Just imagine what you could have done with this in a state twice the size of New York!

But what Andrew Cuomo signed was something that you vetoed… twice.

To put it bluntly: where you cowered, Cuomo led.

And I’d like to thank all of my fellow liberals who voted for Arnold because they really liked The Terminator and thought Gray Davis was like totally boring.

But I do think Keegan is being too harsh here. After all Arnold was just taking his duty to protect our moral values very seriously …


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