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Worm turning

Worm turning

by digby

Looks like Rupert Murdoch’s cleaning house. Will it keep it from burning down?

Les Hinton, the chief executive of Dow Jones & Co., has resigned, becoming the latest News Corp. executive casualty in the phone-hacking and bribery scandal in Britain.

Hinton served as executive chairman of the British unit that oversaw News Corp.’s U.K. tabloid newspapers at the heart of the scandal for 12 years. A member of the board of The Associated Press, Hinton became head of Dow Jones in December 2007.

Hinton’s resignation Friday comes on the same day that News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks quit, following the phone hacking scandal that has rocked Rupert Murdoch’s news empire.

Hinton said in a statement that he was “ignorant of what apparently happened” but felt it was proper to resign. He apologized for the hurt caused by the actions of journalists who worked for the now-shuttered tabloid, News of the World.

I like that: “hurt caused by journalists who worked for News of the World.” I guess they’re going with the Sgt. Shultz “I know nothing” defense.


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