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“Don’t set up a situation where you’re guaranteed to be disappointed,”

“Don’t set up a situation where you’re guaranteed to be disappointed,”

by digby

I co-sign what Dday says here, which is excellent and I urge you to read it. I would only add that “compromise” can only create progress if somebody in the negotiation is fighting for progress. Belittling those who do that, even from the outside, is to automatically turn compromise into capitulation.

This is a very, very revealing video for all the reasons Dday outlines in his post. I would imagine that the students in that room were riveted by the message and took it to heart. Let me amend that: the progressive students in that room. The conservatives are taught a different view. They are the idealists now, believing that if they stand up for what they believe they can change the world. According to the greatest inspiration for progressive youth in generations, liberalism is all about transactions and dealmaking and lowered expectations. It’s quite a switch.


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