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Tea Party Philosophy 101

Tea Party Philosophy 101

by digby

Here’s your average right wing congressman’s take on the default crisis:

ROKITA: We’ll learn to live within our means right now, in the here and now. And this might force that issue even if the economy does or the stock market does go down, the economy might get worse. The economy is terrible it’s been terrible for years now, and the reason it’s bad is not because of a debt-ceiling vote.

The reason it’s bad is because we have people who believe that by making government bigger by keeping people on unemployment checks and on welfare we’re going to dig us out of this mess.

That’s what they think. It’s about bad people on welfare. Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. It’s up to the GOP leadership to figure out how to deal with that. Perhaps they could consult with some special needs specialists.

I don’t think I have to remind you that Bill Clinton “took welfare off the table” 15 years ago.


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