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Building the memes

Building the memes

by digby

Here’s an ad i just saw on television, brought to you by Karl Rove and Crossroads GPS:

You’ll notice they aren’t saying not to raise the debt ceiling. And they are completely shameless about Medicare, caring not one whit that the Ryan plan which the GOP all voted for turns it into a skimpy voucher program.

This is about creating perceptions and the one that matters is they are portraying this woman as someone who voted for Obama but has lost faith because of a bad economic performance caused by debt. This is their theme and this notion that they are going to let him “take it off the table” is ludicrous.

He’ll be much better off at this point if they stop him from enacting deficit reduction. At least the Democrats could run ads saying that they offered to give the GOP everything they could possibly dream of and they still refused to take yes for an answer. It’s not great, but it’s something.


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