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Dean Baker jabs Steve Forbes in his animal spirits

Dean Baker jabs Steve Forbes in his animal spirits

by digby

Here’s a fascinating discussion on one of the bright “new ideas” everyone’s so excited about:

Sadly, I hear Democrats also signing on to this idiotic idea under the apparent assumption that more money for rich people and corporations can be defined as “tax reform” (that justifies slashing the safety net) and will result in something they can call a stimulus.
Baker explains why that’s ridiculous, but Forbes just screeches the psychobabble talking points about the poor CEOs’ fragile emotional state — which the Right’s been parroting for so long that most of the country believes they were handed down on Mt Sinai — and that’s that.
Still — it was good to see someone with sense on TV pointing out that all this crapola won’t create jobs. More like this please.
Speaking of Steve Forbes: I’m very curious as to why he hasn’t thrown his hat into the ring this time. I would think this is a race made for his special brand of extremist economics. The tea party turns its lonely eyes to you, Steve.
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