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Simple Questions by David Atkins

Simple questions

by David Atkins (“thereisnospoon”)

Has anyone in the media considered asking the Republican presidential hopefuls a few simple questions:

  • In real dollar terms, how much more money do the rich need before they can create jobs?
  • What would happen to the economy if we returned to Clinton era tax rates on the rich?
  • Do you know what the marginal tax rates were under Eisenhower? Under Nixon? Why do you think the American economy was booming under those tax rates?
  • What did an average college education cost at a public university in the 1960s? Why do we force our kids into a lifetime of student loan debt today?
  • If the entire economy is hurting and everyone needs to tighten their belts in shared sacrifice, why are corporations showing record profits?
  • Do tax cuts increase or decrease revenue? What tax rate percentage would change that equation?

Any one of these questions would throw the entire conservative messaging agenda on its ear. They’re really simple questions, and they’re pretty much the core questions that need answering.

And yet no one in the media is asking these questions. Which tells you everything you need to know.

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