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“J’accuse dude, j’accuse”

J’accuse dude, j’accuse

by digby
Steven Pearlstein in the Washington Post has written an entertaining accusatory screed against the business community for aiding and abetting not only the creation of the know nothing nihilists of the Far Right but the takeover over of our entire economy by the Wall Street riverboat gambling ethos.
It’s quite a good read and he’s right about all of it. But I can’t help but feel he still thinks these people can be shamed into changing their behavior when it’s quite clear that they no longer share the same values as the rest of us. My sense is that most of the CEOs and other upper 1%ers in the business community are now Galtish true believers. They aren’t ashamed of what they’ve done — they think they’ve made perfectly moral decisions. I suspect that as long as they continue making huge sums of money they will find a way to keep believing it too.
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