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Another Clever Attempt to Destroy Unions

Another Clever Attempt to Destroy Unions

by David Atkins (“thereisnospoon”)

After the Roberts Court used the Citizens United to allow unlimited corporate money in politics, the only thing left for conservatives to do was to destroy labor unions so that big business would be the only players left in the field.

Scott Walker and his goons have been Exhibit “A” in that game. But conservatives have a bunch of other creative tricks up their sleeve as well. In California, they have no chance of passing Walker-style laws through the Democratic legislature, and the people of the great state of California won’t walk into the anti-worker maw with open eyes. So deception is necessary. To wit: the Stop Special Interest Money Now Act:

Prohibits Political Contributions by Payroll Deduction. Prohibitions on Contributions to Candidates. Initiative Statute.

“Restricts union political fundraising by prohibiting use of payroll-deducted funds for political purposes. Same use restriction would apply to payroll deductions, if any, by corporations or government contractors. Permits voluntary employee contributions to employer or union committees if authorized yearly, in writing. Prohibits unions and corporations from contributing directly or indirectly to candidates and candidate-controlled committees. Other political expenditures remain unrestricted, including corporate expenditures from available resources not limited by payroll deduction prohibition. Limits government contractor contributions to elected officers or officer-controlled committees.”

Since labor unions are essentially the only corporate entities to use payroll-deducted funds, this ballot initiative would singly prohibit labor unions from donating to candidates, while leaving big business free to do whatever they like. Mitt Romney’s best friends would have a voice in politics, but teachers and firefighters would be legally disbarred from sharing that voice.

The initiative would likely be considered unconstitutional under the Roberts Court’s own definition of “free speech”, but then again, the Roberts Court doesn’t exactly decide cases on the basis of consistent merit, but rather on what is best for big business in the short term.

Most disturbingly, there are reports that signature gatherers are lying about the initiative, telling voters in liberal areas that it’s about “corporate influence in politics.”

Fortunately, organized labor in California is fighting back:

Underhanded campaigning has surfaced recently here that jeopardizes labor’s ability to defend itself in the political battlefield, according to the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.

Steve Smith, communications director for the California Labor Federation, said a group of wealthy conservatives are behind a ballot initiative that would restrict unions’ involvement in political campaigns…

“They say it applies to both corporations and unions but it doesn’t. It leaves corporations unscathed. The reason is that corporations don’t use payroll dues. They say that they’re keeping corporations and special interest groups out of politics but it’s completely wrong. It would hinder working people from having a voice.”

The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor says on its website, “Petition gatherers aren’t being honest with the public. They say this measure is about ‘special interests.’ But the truth is, this proposal seeks to take away our voices and give more power to big corporations and CEOs. It’s a sham backed by billionaires and CEOs who want to control our state without any opposition.”

The L.A. labor federation is urging voters not to sign these petitions. If people encounter canvassers with the petitions talking about “special interests” or “payroll deduction,” the federation urges them to call the toll free number 1-877-440-9585. A team equipped with a video camera and supplemental information will be sent out to educate the public in the area about the real facts, the federation says.

There is some question as to whether the measure will actually get the signatures required to appear on the ballot, but never count the dedicated right wing in doing whatever it takes to destroy the middle class for the benefit of big business. If you live in California and see anyone pushing this petition as I did at the Ventura County Fair last week, be sure to call the hotline at 1-877-440-9585. This sort of fraudulent subversion of democracy should not be allowed to go unchallenged.


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