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Tammy Baldwin for US Senate

Tammy Baldwin for US Senate

by digby

Good News! Stalwart progressive Tammy Baldwin has announced her candidacy for the Wisconsin Senate seat vacated by Herb Kohl:

Blue America’s announcement:

Tammy already has the boots on the ground – now she needs capital. Will you join us in endorsing Tammy Baldwin by giving something to her campaign today?

Because of her outstanding record in the House, Blue America immediately endorsed her Senate campaign– just minutes after her announcement. And this isn’t just a matter of a terrible alternative– a whole gang of conservatives vying for the seat. Tammy is a proven progressive leader who doesn’t hesitate to take the right stands, whether that means opposing Bush when he’s wrong… or opposing Obama when he’s wrong. She has been a consistent leader in ending the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and she’s been a consistent leader in standing up for working families against the excesses of Big Business.

Because she’s the first woman to have ever won a congressional seat from Wisconsin and the first openly gay person to campaign and win a House seat, Tammy is an historic figure. I imagine her presence in the Senate could be especially discomforting to right-wing hypocrites Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell, while she serves as a model for progressives across the country. If Wisconsin Democrats need an inspiring figure near the top of their ticket, they couldn’t hope for a better one than Tammy Baldwin!

Wisconsin is the epicenter of the progressive grassroots movement, with organizing on the ground ready and able to take on the machine. Tammy is a known leader among them and they will work their hearts out for her. But they will need our help — the Koch Brothers aren’t going to abandon their stake in the state and the Republicans who serve them will do everything they can to prevent a Democrat seizing the seat.

Over 400 Blue America donors have contributed to each of the Senate campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Please consider giving that kind of enthusiastic support to Tammy Baldwin as well. It would be hard to imagine that there will be any other candidates on this page this year.


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