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Nebraska. Very different from Pennsylavania. by David Atkins

Nebraska. Very Different from Pennsylavnia.
by David Atkins (“thereisnospoon”)

On the heels of the GOP’s attempt to overturn democracy in Pennsylavania by cynically distributing its electoral votes per assembly district, it appears that Republicans in Nebraska are trying to move Nebraska in the other direction. You may recall that Nebraska and Maine are currently the only states to split their electoral votes, and that one of Nebraska’s electoral votes went to Obama.

Well, the GOP has a plan to fix all that. From the winger blog Objective Conservative:

The state tried to change this in the 2011 session but the Democrats have found a new ally in State Senator Paul Schumacher, also a Republican and a RINO who finds the idea of splitting the vote pleasing. Schumacher prevented the return to winner-takes-all from getting out of committee in 2011.

Having noted the above, we’ve learned that a resolution will be introduced at the September Republican Party State Central Committee to deal with so-called Republicans who refuse to support their party on what is truly a ‘litmus’ issue for the party. It reads as noted:

Whereas Nebraska is one of only two states that award electoral votes based on the presidential winner of congressional districts,

Whereas Nebraska’s overall clout in national elections is decreased by a procedure used in only one other state,

Whereas 48 other states refuse to allocate their electoral votes under such a plan because such plan dilutes the clout of their states and citizens in determining the election of the president,

Whereas the vast majority of Nebraskans and their votes for the president are not counted on an equal playing field with those of other states,

Whereas it is of the highest priority and interest to the Nebraska Republican Party and the citizens of Nebraska that the state returns to a “winner-takes-all” electoral vote plan,

Whereas the Nebraska Republican Party supports legislation that returns the state to the “winner-takes-all” basis,

And, whereas the Nebraska Republican Party believes that the “winner-takes-all” issue is a litmus test for those who would claim to be Republicans and seek the support of the Nebraska Republican Party,

Be it resolved that the Nebraska Republican Party will not support in any manner, financial or otherwise, any state senator who opposes the return of the state to the “winner-takes-all” electoral vote plan either by failing to vote for such in committee or on the floor of the legislature.

The resolution will deal with the likes of Schumacher who will become persona non grata next year if he prevents the measure getting to the floor. Certain, RINOs like Schumacher will never again see the support of the Republican Party and the party will find a candidate to replace him come the next election.

It would appear that moving Nebraska to a winner-take-all system hinges on a single vote of Nebraska’s Government, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

The answer is obvious, of course, but it would be nice if the media would ask the GOP chairs in Pennsylvania and Nebraska whether each supports the other’s plans. Also, if they could provide a specific rationale rooted in the Constitution, freedom and democracy, that would be great. Inquiring minds would like to know the Constitutional difference between the two states.


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