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Dick Morris’ wet dream (toe-less edition)

Dick Morris’ Wet Dream

by digby

Dick Morris says:

As bad news piles up for the Democrats, I asked a top Democratic strategist if it were possible that President Obama might “pull a Lyndon Johnson” and soberly face the cameras, telling America that he has decided that the demands of partisan politics are interfering with his efforts to right our economy and that he has decided to withdraw to devote full time to our recovery. His answer: “Yes. It’s possible. If things continue as they are and have not turned around by January, it is certainly possible.”

And what then? Will the Democrats just declare the election forfeited and give it to the Republicans? Sure. That’ll happen.

One very simple rule of thumb in American politics is that if Dick Morris says something will happen, it most definitely won’t. You can make book on it.

(And how much do you want to bet that the “Democratic Strategist” he spoke with was Pat Caddell?)


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