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Small but significant

Small but significant

by digby

Hey guess what? The Democrats won one. Yes, you read that right. Here’s dday:

In the end, the war was called off on a technicality. As explained in the live thread yesterday, the fact that FEMA had enough funds to make it to the end of the fiscal year – which is Friday – eliminated the need for an emergency funding request.FEMA would still need money, but that could be handled in Fiscal Year 2012. With additional FY2011 emergency funding no longer necessary, both sides could take something off the table from the continuing resolution – the $1 billion appropriated to replenish FEMA accounts in 2011, and the offset of Advanced Vehicle Technology Manufacturing and Department of Energy loan guarantees.But make no mistake – this was a victory for Democrats. They preserved a key principle: no disaster relief gets offset. When a hurricane destroys someone’s house, Congress doesn’t have to kneecap someone else’s budget.

It seems like a small victory, but it really isn’t. As dday explains, it proves that the one thing the Democrats are going to hold the line on is institutional norms.If the GOP had its way with this one, there would be no deals that couldn’t be broken. (Perhaps the filibuster abuse has finally awakened them.)

It proved something else too: the GOP leadership can whip when it wants to.


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