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Stop the presses

Stop the presses

by digby

The New York Times is so excited about this story that they have three top flight political reporters on it. Seriously:

Chris Christie’s political advisers are working to determine whether they could move fast enough to set up effective political operations in Iowa and New Hampshire in the wake of a relentless courtship aimed at persuading Mr. Christie, the governor of New Jersey, to plunge into the race for the Republican presidential nomination, according to operatives briefed on the preparations.

Mr. Christie has not yet decided whether to run and has not authorized the start of a full-fledged campaign operation. But with the governor now seriously considering getting in, his strategists — many of them veterans of Rudolph W. Giuliani’s 2008 campaign — are internally assessing the financial and logistical challenges of mounting a race with less than 100 days until voting is likely to begin.

What about Sarah Palin, huh? I need to know her latest passing thoughts on running too? How about Frederick of Hollywood Thompson? I hear he’s awake from his nap.

This is what passes for political news. People are talking about what the logistics are for Chris Christie if he decides to enter the race. I’m riveted.


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