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The effects of Koch addiction

The effects of Koch addiction

by digby

There is so much to loathe about the Koch Brothers that it’s hard to know where to start. But this is a good place:

Brave New Films is collecting comments that will be delivered in person by local leaders to Koch Industries. Please head over there and leave a couple of thoughts for the brothers.

According to a UMass Amherst study, Koch Industries is among the top ten worst air polluters for its cancer causing chemicals. Georgia Pacific, a Koch Industries subsidiary in Arkansas, is one of the largest manufacturers of the human carcinogen, formaldehyde. With such an environmental track record, the surrounding area in Crossett is noticeably affected by air pollution – and there is a neighborhood on nearby Penn Road dying of cancer.

Georgia Pacific plywood, paper mill, and formaldehyde resin plants are the only manufacturer in Crossett, Arkansas. The plant is not disposing of their waste properly and dumps hazardous chemicals into channels and ditches that flow behind the nearby homes – which is a poor, minority neighborhood. Since this wastewater is uncovered, people that live near these ditches are exposed to harsh, cancer causing chemicals.

People are living on breathing respirators and suffer from excruciating headaches, watery eyes, runny noses, and nausea on a daily basis. Most of all, there’s a high rate of cancer deaths, especially on Penn Road. Bear in mind, David Koch has given millions to cancer research, while his company has lobbied against formal recognition of formaldehyde as a carcinogen.

Isn’t that special? They make millions by causing cancer but put a little piece of it toward research. I guess they figure that evens it all out. Good luck with that.

Update: Have another Koch. Dday:

Considering that we learned last week that the Koch Brothers traded with Iran, I’m just going to say that they plan to spend $200 million in Iranian money on the 2012 elections.

That works for me.

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