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Still uterus obsessed

Still uterus obsessed

by digby

Well ladies, if the House of Representatives has their way today, you’ll soon find that your insurance plan will no longer offer full reproductive coverage and if something happens in which you require an abortion in an emergency situation, be sure to have a list of hospitals that have agreed to save your life if you are pregnant or you may just wind up dead.

Attacking women’s ability to obtain reproductive health care services remains one of Speaker Boehner’s top priorities. Boehner and the House leadership will bring to a vote a dangerous bill that will undermine women’s health and even put women’s lives at risk.

H.R. 358 is dangerous to women’s health. It is so extreme that some women facing pregnancy complications could die. Some of its most dangerous provisions include:

Preventing purchase of health insurance that includes abortion care: Millions of women would either be prevented from purchasing insurance plans that cover abortion or would lose the coverage they currently have.

Allowing hospitals to refuse to perform emergency abortions: H.R. 358 would allow hospitals to deny emergency abortions to women whose life or health could be saved by the procedure.

Taking away existing health insurance coverage: H.R. 358 opens an enormous loophole in the new health care law that would allow states to broaden refusal laws, which would mean that insurance companies could deny women access to contraceptives without co-pays that we secured, with your help, over the summer.

Instead of working to create jobs and help the struggling economy, Speaker Boehner is instead continuing his attack on women’s health. But he isn’t stopping at abortion. H.R. 358 could also limit women’s ability to have access to affordable birth control.

You can go here to register your complaints.

It’s somewhat unfashionable in the current moment to care about such things, but the truth is that the very people who will be the most impacted by this legislation are also the one’s who are the most economically deprived — young women, many already with young children. They are the very people hit hardest by this bad economy and nobody should forget that this form of oppression goes hand in hand with all the others.


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