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“Vertically Integrated Grassroots Strategy”

“Vertically Integrated Grassroots Strategy”

by digby

In microeconomics and management, the term vertical integration describes a style of management control. Vertically integrated companies in a supply chain are united through a common owner. Usually each member of the supply chain produces a different product or (market-specific) service, and the products combine to satisfy a common need. It is contrasted with horizontal integration.

Here’s the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity answer to Occupy Wall Street:

Dear NAME,The Left is back to its 1960s play book of fringe politics—this time with a radical class-warfare mob called “Occupy Wall Street.”Their demands look an awful lot like the Left’s tried-and-failed policies of the last two years:

  • Trillions of dollars for new entitlements we don’t need and can’t afford,
  • Government picking winners and losers in the economy,
  • And, of course, massive tax hikes that will crush the middle class and strangle job creation—all in the name of “fairness.”

Despite these agitators coming straight out of the Left’s central casting, liberals in Washington are desperately trying to frame this as “widespread middle-class support” for their failed economic agenda—even though this unruly mob is anything but.And, of course, even the left-wing media has climbed aboard the propaganda machine, calling these radicals everything from the “American Autumn” to the “Left’s Tea Party.”The Left is coming out swinging, doing anything they can to distract from their radical agenda—and it’s absolutely critical that you and I stand strong and continue our fight for spending sanity in Washington.That’s why AFP is launching our new nationwide Cut Spending Now tour.Cut Spending Now uses AFP’s tried-and-true vertically integrated grassroots strategy—combining rallies in 19 states, a petition, and national media attention—to put unprecedented grassroots pressure on Congress and their deficit-cutting “super committee” to cut wasteful spending and keep taxes low on American families.You can sign the petition by clicking here.Let me tell you—it’s more urgent than ever that you and I build the practical grassroots effort necessary to make sure Congress hears from everyday Americans, not just a fringe mob like “Occupy Wall Street.”Next month, Congress’s super committee will announce their plans on how to cut $1.2 trillion from our deficit. And if radical Left-wing groups win the debate today, we could wind up with a trillion dollars in new job-killing tax hikes—instead of them making the necessary cuts to wasteful spending.So far, Cut Spending Now has received a tremendous response nationwide. In the last few weeks, the tour has already turned out thousands of activists in seven critical states—Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, andColorado. And that’s just the beginning.But we can’t keep this nationwide project going at full-strength without your help right now.Please click here to donate $25, $50, $100 or more right away.Thank you so much for standing with Americans for Prosperity and Cut Spending Now. As part of our nationwide, 1.8 million-strong grassroots army, you’re helping us put real pressure on Congress—and stop the Left’s propaganda machine dead in its tracks.Sincerely,JP DeGance, AFPP.S. We’re counting on you to help AFP’s nationwide Cut Spending Now project change the debate in Washington—and help bring economic freedom and spending sanity back to Washington.

And they’re fundraising off of this … never leave a dollar on the table, I guess.


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