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Animal spirits — what turns Richard Cohen on

Animal spirits

by digby

So, the intrepid Richard Cohen fearlessly went on an expedition to Occupy Wall Street to determine for himself whether or not the Occupiers are anti-Semitic. He found no evidence of it. But he did find “repugnant” tired socialism, tits, “flea-thoughts” and self-pity and self flagellation. He ultimately determined that it is “little more than a vast sleepover.” Indeed, it’s just plain icky. But then, even the right wing anti-semitic smears are the result of icky leftism:

The imputation of anti-Semitism, however, adds gravitas to this lighthearted event. The smear is in deadly earnest, a reminder that the devious tactics of the Old Left have been adopted by the New Right. (No accident, maybe, that the practitioners are the descendants of lefties.)

Let’s remind ourselves of what really stimulates old Richard:

The GOP convention was successful because it was part of the overall Republican campaign. It was a loathsome affair, suffused with lies and anger, but also beautiful to watch, like a nature show about some wild animal, amoral and intent only on survival.

Oh baby. No “flea-thoughts” there, just throbbing, pulsing, crude domination. That’s what real men do. No “devious” lefty smear campaigns, just beautiful violence, magnificent in its amorality.

What’s odd is the fact that Cohen is positioned as a liberal on the WaPo’s op-ed page. And, of course, the fact that he’s still employed after writing drivel like that. Go figure.


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