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Syrupy Rick Perry

Syrupy Rick Perry

by digby

I realize that it’s become a matter of faith that Rick Perry would be the frontrunner if it weren’t for his position on immigration. As a liberal, I don’t mind this because it would be really nice if the Republicans began to understand that scapegoating “illegals” for everything is an unpopular idea. (It would also be nice if our Democratic president understood that deporting record numbers of undocumented workers isn’t going to buy him a single vote — from anyone, not even the business community.)

But I don’t think that’s the only reason why the GOP grassroots have rejected Perry. I have nothing much to go on but my instincts, but I honestly think it’s because he just makes people feel uncomfortable and slightly worried about his “abilities.” Check this out:

Mother Jones reports:

Have you ever seen anyone so happy to receive a jug of maple syrup? Ward, who was in attendance, says the clip was not fully representative of the speech, but notes that the entire presentation was weird enough to prompt a tea party leader to tell him, “I think Obama would chew him up.”

Perry had surgery a few months ago. Maybe he’s unwell or maybe he’s taking some painkillers. But he’s “off”.



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