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Generation violence

Generational violence

by digby

I’m pretty sure just about everybody in the country’s seen this hideous video by now. But I think what’s even more horrifying is the comments. Most are appalled, of course. It’s a shocking show of violence.

But there’s an awful lot of this:

Actually young man, young lady, you do not know. I spanked my children, and grandchildren if needed. Did you notice the crying was only temporary. I was the child of beatings w/electric cords back i the 60’s, I’m hear to say it was not fun. She was disobedient and because her Mercedes and money was taken seven years later she posts this, how sad she through family values down the drain. God Bless You

Using a belt is NOT against the law, yeah he’s really vocal but who isnt when their pissed. She broke federal law, and rule of her house. She probably taped it on purpose as you can clearly see her walk DIRECTLY over the camera after the whole thing was over. , I see a good bit of mellow drama there on her part. I dealt with much worse when I was younger, so did my siblings. Result? Mostly successful and not pansies. Go back 100+ years and look at family discipline, This is nothing.

I was beaten and can’t say that this is anything terrible or that it was necessarily detrimental to my development. I’d have no problem with him being a judge in my county, he was actually punishing her for illegally downloading music and software on a repeat offense.

and this too:

My mother used to do the same thing to me with a leather strap. I grew up so angry and hated her for that. I wish we had web cams back in the day, things may have turned out better. I wish Hillary the very best of everything. May you find peace strong girl. Years later there are so many scars.

This just makes me sick … and sad. For all the victims and future victims of the victims.

I think tonight’s a good night for a long walk on the beach and a short shot of Patron. (Or maybe the other way around …)


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