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The Church of TipnRonnie

The Church of TipnRonnie

by digby

The Tune Inn is like the favorite neighborhood you knew back home, wherever back home is or was — and back when there was such a thing as a neighborhood bar.The heads of deer and even a bear stare down on the patrons, who are waited on my crusty, no-nonsense but heart-of-gold waitresses who tend to hail from somewhere way out beyond the Beltway.The key is this: when people come to the Tune Inn, they try to be nice folks, or they are shunned. They can talk politics — hell, this is Washington! — but they can’t do it in a mean, exclusivist way. You can be childish but you can’t be a jerk. You’ll be shunned, or thrown out on your ass.If the congressional super committee held its secret deliberations in a booth at the Tune Inn, under the watchful eyes of the dead deer and the salty waitresses of a certain age, we would have a deal well before the third pitcher of Naty Boh was served.

Sure we would.

*I should note that it does sound like a great drinking hole. Which I’m for.
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