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Ebenezer Newt

Ebenezer Newt

by digby

He really wants to make poor kids replace janitors in their own schools for half the money. There’s just no other way to see it.

Yes, he says he wants to do this in order that they learn “how to work” because they never see people working.

Therefore, one must assume that the janitors, office workers and teachers in their school are not really working — which raises the question as to why having the kids take over these “non-jobs” would serve any purpose other than cheap labor. But then, that would be the point, wouldn’t it?

Newtie knows that he must attempt to articulate his fundamental loathing for the poor in a way that sounds as if he’s actually helping those he wishes to exploit. He’s been doing it for 30 years. The problem for him is that there’s just something so unctuous and insincere in his delivery that he can never sell it very well.


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