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Looking Glass legislation

Looking Glass legislation

by digby

We’re through the looking-glass here, people… white is black and black is white

Get a load of this headline:

Senate Democrats shrink payroll tax cut to lure GOP support

Yes, that’s right. The Republicans are against the payroll tax cut so the Democrats are making it smaller and offering up various “sweeteners” to entice them to vote for it. A tax cut:

“Republicans need to be prepared to meet us partway. We’re offering a serious proposal with meaningful concessions, including spending cuts to which Republicans have already agreed,” Reid said on the Senate floor.

“The scaled-back temporary tax on the richest Americans, a group with an average income of $3 million a year, is also a sincere attempt to get Republicans on board to pass what they say they want to do.” …

The reduced millionaires’ tax increase will not generate enough revenue to cover the $180 billion cost of the package. Democrats have also included about $40 billion in mandatory spending cuts that were under discussion last month by the deficit-reduction supercommittee, according to the Democratic official.

The Republicans were very impressed by all this sincerity:

A House GOP leadership aide said the new proposal remains a tool for Democrats to attack Republicans.

In baseball there’s such a thing as the mercy rule. Maybe they ought to start thinking of having one in politics.


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