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Plays like he’s intercontinental

Plays like he’s intercontinental

by digby

And yet another reason the GOP base hates Mitt:

They can smell a cheese eating surrender monkey a mile away.

Remember this?

President Bush yesterday derisively challenged press claims of widespread anti-Americanism in Europe and ridiculed an American TV correspondent for suggesting as much in English and French to him and French President Jacques Chirac.

“So you go to a protest and I drive through the streets of Berlin, seeing hundreds of people lining the road, waving,” Mr. Bush muttered to NBC News White House correspondent David Gregory during a joint press conference with Mr. Chirac.

“I don’t view hostility here,” Mr. Bush said in the ornate Palais de l’Elysee. “I view the fact that we’ve got a lot of friends here.”

He added: “And the fact that protesters show up that’s good. I mean, I’m in a democracy.”

Mr. Bush was responding to Mr. Gregory’s question about anti-American demonstrations in Germany, Russia and France during the president’s visits to these nations since Wednesday.

“I wonder why it is you think there are such strong sentiments in Europe against you and against this administration?” the reporter said. “Why, particularly, there’s a view that you and your administration are trying to impose America’s will on the rest of the world, particularly when it comes to the Middle East and where the war on terrorism goes next?” Turning to Mr. Chirac, he added in French: “And, Mr. President, would you maybe comment on that?”

“Very good,” Mr. Bush said sardonically. “The guy memorizes four words, and he plays like he’s intercontinental.”

“I can go on,” Mr. Gregory offered. “I’m impressed – que bueno,” said Mr. Bush, using the Spanish phrase for “how wonderful.” He deadpanned: “Now I’m literate in two languages.”

Yuk yuk.


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