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The welfare queen is a chiropractor

The welfare queen in a chiropractor

by digby

So I see the New York Daily News is dusting off the old Welfare Queen trope just in time for our coming election. This story features a Jewish Chiropractor, so you’d think it wouldn’t carry quite the same racial baggage, but if you look at the comments you’ll realize some things never change:

AHHH you speak of the chosen ones no doubt. My mother lives in rockland county so I am well aware of the situation of which you speak. Google New Square New York and read wikipedia. They are the chosen ones and we should be happy( sarcasm) to pay for their lifestyle. They are indeed the chosen ones, just ask any jewish person and they will tell you. Opps sorry they wont tell you because you are a goyim, a Non Jew. They have cost the rockland county taxpayer alot of money.

Nice, huh? To be fair, there’s plenty of hating going on from a number of different angles in those comments.

Look for more of these lurid stories of people collecting benefits while living like kings. This stuff about fraud always gets cranked up when the big money boyz need to rile up the rubes and redirect the anger at them back on Washington: all these gummint programs do is take money from you hardworking taxpayers and put it into the pockets of people who don’t deserve it. The only way to fix this once and for all is to get rid of the government programs. (Real Americans will get what they need, of course, because they are hard workers who have earned it.)

This is particularly useful when we are about to embark on our annual Christmas Unemployment Insurance game of chicken. It’s become part of our holiday ritual: Will you be able to eat past Christmas? Spin the dial and pray that Mitch McConnell is feeling the Christmas spirit.


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