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Who will be the biggest hater?

Who will be the biggest hater?

by digby

It looks like Rick Perry isn’t going to go down without a fight. He’s openly challenging Newtie for the most obnoxious hater in the GOP field. It’s a tough race, but he’s making a good run at it:

Maggie Haberman from Politico says this is a subtle jab at Obama’s perceived “Muslimism” which goes without saying but she makes another point I think is probably what he’s really going for:

I should also note that there is a fair case to be made that the contrast, as Perry looks to consolidate the fractured evangelical vote, is also clearly aimed at Mitt Romney, as the question of whether Mormonism is an issue for Iowa caucus-goers will get tested.

It will be tested everywhere. Polls consistently show a strong undercurrent of religious intolerance among the Christian Right. Perry is trying to to exploit that.

Also too, liberal bashing. It’s what’s for dinner.


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