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Why Newt is the Man for the Conservative Heart

Why Newt is the man for the conservative heart

by David Atkins

There has been a lot of speculation among liberals and Village types as to why Newt Gingrich has surged in polls. But why don’t we listen to conservatives themselves tell the story?

Cue Jim Robinson, founder of Free Republic, in a freeper thread on Gingrich’s polling surge, mocking those disaffected with Gingrich’s weaknesses:

Right. Newt and Mitt are polar opposites!

Mitt is a pro-abortion, big government progressive.

Newt is a pro-life, budget balancing Reaganite who helped usher in the Republican majority, the Reagan Revolution and the long lasting Reagan economy.

Mitt’s legacy is RomneyCare, taxpayer funded abortion, gay marriage, liberal activist judges, an all but destroyed Republican brand in Massachusetts and a bankrupt state. And he’s proud of it.

I have no problem with Bachmann, Santorum or Perry, other than they can’t seem to get out of the gates or stay long on the track without stumbling and taking hard falls. Wouldn’t trust Trump other than cheer leader.

Unlike McCain, I believe Newt is capable and unafraid to take the fight to the enemy and win! And that’s what we need.

Reading Free Republic, (which I do every day) is really instructive. It’s a good window into the conservative soul, a good reminder of what we’re up against. Best of all, it’s like watching Fox News, but a week in advance. What starts in the dredges of the conservative cesspool eventually winds up all over the mighty Wurlitzer.

And what do we learn? It’s about the culture war. It’s about sticking it to women, minorities and the economically underprivileged. It’s about the Lost Cause. It’s about kicking those elitist liberals in the teeth, more than about personal morality or policy goals.

Always was, always has been, still is, and always will be. That’s what they want, that’s what the politicians they elect respond to, and that’s why attempting to compromise with them is a pointless waste of time.


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