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Good Gummint Regulation: Happy Birthday ESA

Good Gummint Regulation

by digby
From Mother Jones:

On this day 38 years ago Richard Nixon signed into law the Endangered Species Act (ESA), a landmark moment in human development when we formally recognized that animals and plants—imperiled as “a consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation”—deserved to survive… and need our protection in order to survive.

The ESA has been embattled since its birth. But so is every advance in human thinking that expands the rights and humane treatment of nonhuman others.

Currently, there are ~1,990 species listed under the ESA. Some 1,380 of these inhabit the US and its waters. The rest are foreign species.

Click over for a partial list.

Gosh I wonder what a modern Republican President with a Tea Party congress would do to that?


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