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Chart ‘O the Day: Real America

Chart ‘O the Day: Real America

by digby

Juan Cole has provided a useful chart explaining what the Villagers mean when they explain that they flock to Iowa to see “Real Americans” choosing the candidates the rest of us will have to vote for.


The rest of the country:

And anyway, the Iowa caucuses are bullshit as Rick Perlstein eloquently explains here.

Update: And may I just say that as per Perlstein, this is the only “story” that anyone should be interested in coming out of Iowa:

Stuff like the astonishing sh*tstorm Establishment “SuperPACs” have been throwing at Newt Gingrich in Iowa this past week. This seems to be the ca. 2012 version of machine-style ballot-disqualifying, or of a friendly visit to a recalcitrant delegate from the banker financing the expansion of your widget factory in Kalamazoo, bearing threats.The methods change. The game remains the same.


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