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Profiles in courage, pro-labor edition by @DavidOAtkins

Profiles in courage, pro-labor edition

by David Atkins

I know it’s become popular to trash elected Democrats, but what Indiana Democrats are doing is a profile in political courage:

Thirty-seven Indiana Democrats are on their third day of denying Republicans the 67-member quorum necessary to proceed with union-busting “right to work” legislation in the Indiana House of Representatives. The Democrats continue to not show up to the chamber despite now facing fines of $1,000 a day.

Why do Democrats continue to hold out, despite facing very real financial threats to themselves and their families, and despite Republicans holding a 60-40 majority in the House of Representatives? Because Democrats and unions are within striking distance of stopping the bill.

A source close to the process has told Daily Kos that Indiana Democrats are “very close to having the votes to defeat the bill on the floor.” A total of 51 votes is needed to defeat the bill, and while Democrats are united in opposition, Republicans are divided.

This information is based on an anonymous source, so obviously take it with a grain of salt. Still, there is an intuitive logic backing it up. With multiple members of the Democratic caucus actually facing the possibility of losing their homes over this, at this point they would not be staying out of the chamber if the fight was hopeless.

The single biggest difference between social democracies abroad and our democracy is the relative weakness in of labor unions in America. The decline of middle-class wages vis-a-vis productivity and rise in the incomes of the 1% tracks closely with the decline of American labor.

Determination to stand with the interests of labor is a big part of what it will take to bring America back toward a more progressive, fairer and more stable economy. Democrats in Indiana are showing that determination, as Dems opposing the odious Scott Walker have done and are still doing in Wisconsin.


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