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Blue America contest: help a Real Progressive win $2,000

Blue America Contest

by digby

Howie sez:

As you’ve probably read by now, New Jersey progressive candidate Ed Potosnak withdrew his challenge to Leonard Lance yesterday to take a job as the executive director of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters. He was one of Blue America’s favorite candidates, both in the 2010 cycle and again this year. We’ll miss him, but we know he will accomplish a lot in his new job. Here’s what he told me last night when he came up with the idea for this contest to help out a Blue America candidate.

Ed has some extra money in his campaign war chest, and he’s offered to give the maximum amount allowable from one campaign to another, $2,000, to the Blue America candidate who gets the most contributions in the next 24 hours. So take a look at our ActBlue page and contribute– whether a dollar or $1,000, it still counts as one “vote”– and the candidate who gets the most “votes” will get a $2,000 dollar check from Ed’s campaign.

The rules for this contest: Just contribute any amount to any candidate on this page and it will count as a vote for that candidate. And yes, you can vote for more than one if you want to. In 24 hours we count up all the votes (again, not the dollar amounts, but the votes), and the candidate with the most gets the check from Ed’s campaign.

*I keep hearing that there are no progressives out there who are against the wars and for civil liberties. That’s just not true. Look at the Blue America roster and you’ll find a whole bunch of them.


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