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Blue America welcomes American hero, Elizabeth Warren! Crooks and Liars 10am pst 1pm est.

Blue America welcomes American hero, Elizabeth Warren!

by digby

That viral Youtube may be the most famous American cri de coeur of the new century — a shot heard round the political world announcing that Elizabeth Warren was not just running for the Senate in Massachusetts, but that she was going to do it by redefining the political framework that’s governed this nation for the past 30 years. Warren’s message sent chills down the spines of the big money boyz and the political establishment — and they reacted. Strongly. This is not a person they want in the Senate and they are going to do whatever they can to ensure she isn’t elected.
As someone who has been fighting for the middle class for many years as a researcher and advocate, Warren is a rare politician who has knowledge of the way Washington works while not being of Washington. As her recent battles setting up the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau showed, the wall of resistance to her ideas is formidable and a lesser person would have done her work and gone back to her secure and happy life as a professor and lecturer, but those battles only made her more determined. But she’s going to be the next Senator from Massachusetts if we have anything to do with it. And if her track record is any indication this ossified institution isn’t going to know what hit it.
Elizabeth Warren is staking her race on a commitment to resist the lures of big money and special interests. Wall Street, for obvious reasons, has her in their crosshairs and will pour unlimited amounts of money into the race to defeat her and the GOP establishment is desperate that they do so. After all, her win could keep the Senate in the hands of the Democrats.
But despite all that, it’s not impossible for her to win this, not by a long shot. There’s a limit to what money can buy and Elizabeth’s message resonating strongly as she crosses the state meeting people and she’s consistently running ahead of her opponent Scott Brown. But she needs our help to stay competitive.
This week her campaign is running a big money bomb collecting donations from like-minded individuals all over the country who understand that Elizabeth Warren doesn’t just represent the people of Massachusetts, although she does. She represents all of us who want to see the American dream restored and the middle class strong and thriving again in this country.
Howie, John and I were thrilled to have Blue America be among the very first to endorse her campaign and we couldn’t be more excited that she’s found a few minutes to join us at Crooks and Liars at 10am pst, 1pm est today.
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