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QOTD: blaming Mormons for opposition to same-sex marriage is racist


by digby
From Red State:

[R]ushing to blame white Mormons for their opposition to same-sex marriage – as opposed to African-American and Latino Californians, both of which groups voted to pass Proposition 8- counts as racism; after all, there was no earthly reason to do it except that one group had a conveniently low average melanin count in their skin.

This is a new one on me. I have heard the anger at Mormon involvement in Prop 8 called bigoted against religion, but racist? Bit of a stretch. It’s really simple: they got blamed because they spent many, many millions of dollars on a dishonest campaign to pass Prop 8, most of it from out of state. Blaming them for that that could be called class warfare too, but that wouldn’t make it true.

That’s ok. Many conservatives get confused when they try make claims of racism against white people. Mostly because it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

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