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Saturday fun with Bach and Beethoven by @DavidOAtkins

Saturday fun with Bach and Beethoven

David Atkins

Classical music fans who haven’t seen this yet should get a kick out of it:

This one is the famous Allegretto from Beethoven’s 7th (played a little fast for my taste, but it’s still gorgeous.) There are many like it, allowing the viewer to follow along all the complexities happening above and below the melody line. Watching these videos is a great way to introduce a loved one to the beautiful complexities of classical music in an accessible way, even if they can’t read a note of actual music.

Even experienced fans of these works will likely notice nuances they never paid attention to before while watching the notes play out in real time.

Here’s one of my personal and less trite favorites, Bach’s extroardinary Passacaglia in C Minor (listen and watch for the endlessly repeatedly hypnotic base line characteristic of the passacaglia form):

Or just enjoy perhaps the most overused of all classical themes, the 1st movement of Beehoven’s 5th. It’s played too fast again here, but who’s complaining when you can watch it in all its textual richness?:

Enjoy your Saturday, everyone.


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