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Yapping Ladies and young male dolts

Yapping Ladies and young male dolts

by digby

One reason you know that sexist stereotypes are still alive and well (and barely changed since the days of Ralph and Alice Cramden) is the casual way in which this adorable little fella just drops one into the conversation:

This is a young guy, not some old codger who hasn’t kept up with the times. It’s still so common that he doesn’t even skip a beat — and neither does the woman who’s sitting there with him.

I have to say that this is one of the more surprising revelations to me in the past few years. I really thought that we’d at least gotten to the point at which younger men had an instinctive inkling that this sort of thing was not quite right. But I’ve been schooled — and realized that it’s not even a matter of ideology or traditional values. It pops out even among liberals who are very enlightened in other ways — especially when they’re on the defensive about something.

I’m told that we shouldn’t “hector” or “scold” men on this because it just makes them mad and then they’ll just reject feminism completely. Better to try to get them to understand that we’re all in this together and that our fight is their fight. You know, a gentle persuasion, you get more flies with honey kinda deal. But I don’t think that’s working out. At some point, you just get tired of putting up with this shit.


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