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Enlightened conservatism

Enlightened conservatism

by digby

More progressives try to highlight the sexism of conservative policies:

Oklahoma’s proposed anti-abortion Senate Bill 1433 states a fetus “at every stage of development (has) all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of this state.”

In response, pro-choice Oklahoma State Senator Constance Johnson introduced an amendment to the bill that read: “However, any action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman’s vagina shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child.”

This would outlaw masturbation by men, anal sex, sex with condoms, all forms of fellatio to completion, as well as other sex acts. She later withdrew the measure (no pun intended), but stated that she had inserted it to highlight the sexism in the current bill.

Democrat Jim Wilson tried to introduce a serious amendment stating that all men would be responsible for the full support and well-being of any woman carrying their child for the duration of the pregnancy, including housing, food, transportation and all medical costs. That amendment failed.

I got this from Fox Nation. Perhaps you will enjoy seeing how some of their readers respond:

So, what are gay men supposed to do? Is Obozo care going to give them surgeries to get a_vagina? HAHAHA…

And you have, was-a-man schultz, billary, maxine waters, botox queen, shewaa jackson lee,…

why don’t you get off of the couch and drop the free cheese and quit drinking the Cool aid astrojurkoff!

Ones again I ask…why are liberal women so GD ugly

Really, you can’t just make this stuff up!

Except your mouth you DA

Does anyone need further proof that the progressives MUST GO! My Gosh, how $tupid!

Bolshevik Barbie
Democrats OWN this!

I’m from Oklahoma & I know Constance Johnson: she’s a left-wing Democrat & about as lõony as Barbara Lee or Maxine Waters. Does every state in the Union have one of these hags??

After seeing the picture accompanying this story it explains everything and seems very reasonable.

how do they expect to get votes from their constituency that way?

Her father should have m asturbated instead of producing her. What a jerk? Now I guess I will be called a r acist because I correctly described an idiot with an idiotic idea to thwart the will of the people.

Maybe she got too much on her face and is striking back

She better be careful. From the looks of her, masturbation is all she has.

Libtardian maneuver, by a libtard.

She might want to add women to the language of her-pos-bill.

Not the brightest group on the planet. But they know what they hate.

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