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CPAC repulsion

CPAC repulsion

Ann Coulter is provocative and offensive and wonderful at self-promotion. And if it weren’t for all those attributes, she could very well claim a fourth: an effective surrogate for Mitt Romney.

The conservative best-selling author gave her usual speech at CPAC on Friday. Instead of calling John Edwards a “faggot” (like she did years ago), she declared that Bill Clinton saved the Constitution by repeatedly ejaculating on White House interns. It was a stupid laugh line really not worth repeating, save to point out how likely it is to overshadow the impassioned plea she made earlier in the speech to get the crowd to drop its revulsion of Romney.

Heheheheh. She said “ejaculate on the Constitution.”)She’s such a lovely gal.
But IMO, if Ann Coulter is making a plea for people to drop their revulsion for her candidate, you’ve got a bigger problem than you think you do.

Meanwhile, Governor Repulsive said at the same conference that he’ll make sure the the federal government defunds Planned Parenthood (among other states’ rights positions.) At this point I’m waiting for the first Republican to commit to breaking up the Union entirely and just mustering state militias to defend the border(s) and hiring private troops to police the world under multi-national corporation flags. (Hey, if corporations are people, they can form their own “nation”, right?) Ron Paul comes close to this already with his “letters of marque and reprisal” substituting for military intervention overseas and devolution of virtually everything else to the states.

Why are they pussyfooting around? Clearly, they do not believe in the “United States” of America anymore. And yet they are the loudest, jingoistic nationalists on the planet when it suits them. It must be chaos inside these people’s heads.


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