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Electric Dumb-ass

Electric Dumb-ass

by digby

What a good idea:

People alarmed by Ultimate Fighting are sure to be shocked by Ultimate Tazer Ball, a new game in which players use stun guns to floor their opponents.

Its backers say the game will develop into an “exciting sport of the future.”

Although the league has yet to play an official game, Ultimate Tazer Ball has a website touting four teams, including a Toronto franchise called the Terror, and a YouTube video that shows players dashing around an indoor soccer pitch, zapping each other with hand-held stun guns.

The guns are not as powerful as the type used by police, but can still produce a painful shock.

Players on each four-man team attempt to score using a beach-ball sized soccer ball. The video shows players shocking each other with the stun guns. With each successful stun, players collapse to the turf, writhing in pain.

It should be noted that there’s some speculation that this might be some sort of elaborate joke or that it’s a new form of professional wrestling, particularly since these obviously aren’t real tasers which immobilize your muscles and force you to drop to the ground (usually screaming in agony.) It’s too bad really. If the tasers were real these dumb-asses could serve as a voluntary experiment in the health effects of repeated Taser electroshock.

I’m being flippant because this is so unbelievably stupid. But the sad truth is that this is the way torture gets normalized. It’s no big deal to get shot through with electricity. In fact, it’s fun! Why should anyone object to government authorities using it to compel instant compliance and respect from their citizens?


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