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Help Stop Keystone XL by @DavidOAtkins

Help Stop Keystone XL

by David Atkins

I’m not usually a fan of online petitions, but I’m making an exception here. Republicans are trying to attach funding for the Keystone XL pipeline to a highway funding bill in the Senate.

One of the reasons (outside of Republican electioneering and short-sightedness) that the Keystone project failed the first time was mobilized, angry citizen activism.

It’s not much, but please take 30 seconds to sign the petition to stop the climate-killing Keystone XL pipeline. They’re looking for 500,000 signers in 24 hours, and this is as worthy a cause as exists.

We spend a lot of time here talking about economics, which does affect the quality of life of billions of people around the globe. And yet, reverberating effects and industrialization issues notwithstanding, the human race and the planet will generally survive either way.

But if we don’t take action on climate change, all of our efforts on taxes and economics will be washed away like so many sandcastles on the shore.

Please take a moment to sign the petition. Your great-grandchildren will thank you.


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