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Best election money can buy

Best election money can buy

by digby

So Sheldon Adelson has agreed to throw Newt another 10 million in order to take out Santorum and nominate Romney.

Adelson reportedly hasn’t shifted allegiances to Romney, but it’s basically implied if he pursues this strategy. The last thing Romney needs at this point is for Gingrich to drop out of the race. And from Romney’s perspective, Adelson’s cash could be put to much better use by funding Gingrich ads against Santorum. After all, Romney doesn’t really need the money at this point, and Newt has more credibility on the right to pull off harsh attacks on Santorum’s social positions.

Then there’s this guy, who has to be the creepiest religious fanatic plutocrat of them all.(It’s shocking how many of them there are.) Interestingly, all these fabulously wealthy Republicans want to elect the most fabulously wealthy candidate. Hmmm.

Basically our elections are now blatantly being manipulated by wealthy titans who have so much money that 20 million is chump change. It makes “voting” seem rather quaint. But then, in a plutocracy, it is. If I were a Republican I’d vote for Santorum just to spite these people.

I don’t know about this, however:

This also shows that any hopes Republicans had of capturing a greater percentage of the Jewish vote may go out the window if Santorum’s the candidate. Moderate Jews who might consider voting Republican based on Israel will probably find it hard to support a candidate with far-right views on abortion, gay marriage and contraception.

Are they saying that the rest of the field doesn’t have far-right views on abortion, gay marriage and contraception? Talk about goal post moving …


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