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“I’m all for the government making women feel bad about aborting”

“I’m all for the government making women feel bad”

by digby

I love principled libertarians, I really do. Especially those who say things like this:

I think that abortion should be legal, but I also think that it should be a last resort, and I’m all for the government using any non-coercive methods it can to encourage women to carry their pregnancy to term, including things that will make them feel bad about aborting. I think, for example, that sonograms should be mandatory before termination, I’m in favor of waiting periods and parental notification laws, and I’m agnostic on spousal notification.”

Ever had an abortion? Considerably more invasive than a trans-vaginal ultrasound. In fact, there are lots of worse things that happen in women’s health clinics; be glad you haven’t experienced any of them.

Ever had a cop hit you over the head with a billy club? It’s considerably more painful than slapping you in the face. There are lots of worse things that happen while in custody; be glad you haven’t experienced any of them.

This is someone who used to call herself “Jane Galt.” And she wants the government to be in the business of shaming.

I’d also point out a little known fact about Virginia’s state rape law: they are to be used even for women who are having chemically induced abortions. They must be probed as well — in order that the government “make them feel bad” for what they are legally entitled to do. (And, by the way, if they refuse to look at the ultrasound, that’s supposed to be noted in their medical record — I’m assuming for some sort of future reference, the purpose of which is obscure.)

She does draw the line at “coercive” government power though, so that’s good.

This story is via Tbogg,who takes it on as only he can.


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