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Just a little demographic timebomb

Just a little demographic timebomb

by digby

According to The Week, here’s a by-the-numbers look at who’s picking the Republican nominee:

States that have held GOP caucuses or primaries so far

28 million:
Registered voters of all parties in those nine states

3 million:
Voters who have participated in these nine Republican contests

Percent of registered voters who have not voted in the GOP contests

Percent of U.S. population that is white

Percent of U.S. population that was white in 1900

Percent of 2012 Iowa caucusgoers who were white

Percent of Iowans who are white

Percent of South Carolina primary voters who were white

Percent of South Carolina residents who are white

Percent of South Carolina primary voters who were evangelical Christians

Percent of South Carolina primary voters who were 45 or older

Percent of Nevada’s registered voters who participated in the state’s Feb. 4 caucuses

Percent of Nevada caucusgoers who were Latino

Percent of Nevadans who are Latino

Percent of Florida GOP primary voters who were Latino

Percent of Floridians who are Latino

Percent of Florida primary voters who were 45 or older

Percent of Florida voters in the 2008 general election who were 45 or older

Percent of GOP voters nationwide who are happy with their candidates, according to a PPP poll earlier this month

Percent of Democrats who are happy with President Obama as their candidate

I guess they could pull this out. But it will take a major catastrophe.

Update: Uhm … well … yikes:

Unemployment could rise back to 9 percent of the U.S. population in Feburary according to a Gallup survey released Tuesday, painting a grim picture for the Obama Administration that had been temporarily buoyed by promising jobs figures at the end of January.

Gallup’s mid-month reading, which traditionally previews the government report issued at the end of the month, shows a rise of seven-tenths of a percentage from the 8.3 percent unemployment rate at the end of January. That would be the worst unemployment figure since September of last year.

The survey firm said seasonal factors – including job loss by seasonal workers hired over the holidays – could be responsible for the dip


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