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Demented clown blowing off steam

Demented clown blowing off steam

by digby

This is what happens when an economic system becomes so corrupted that demented clowns are given contracts worth 200 million dollars. It skews the definition of “value” so thoroughly that demented clowns come to believe they are doing something productive and those who are neither demented nor clownish are lazy fools:

Limbaugh chastised the president for saying we should not “settle for a country where a few people are doing very well and everybody else is having to just struggle to get by.” Limbaugh downplayed concerns over inequality, saying, “It’s not just a few people who do very well in this country.” He added:

And in many cases, speaking bluntly, the people that don’t do well only have themselves to blame. And those who have no control over themselves are the ones we help.


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