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Santorum’s Moral Perversion by @DavidOAtkins

Santorum’s Moral Perversion

by David Atkins

An intrepid blogger at ThinkProgess discovers this Santorum gem from 2008:

“Woodstock is the great American orgy. This is who the Democratic Party has become. They have become the party of Woodstock. The prey upon our most basic primal lusts, and that’s sex. And the whole abortion culture, it’s not about life. It’s about sexual freedom. That’s what it’s about. Homosexuality. It’s about sexual freedom.”

This is a man who is absolutely terrified that someone, somewhere, might be having more fun and staying truer to themselves than he is. And he’s bound and determined to stop it. He desperately needs a good psychiatrist to talk through whatever repressed, latent urges he’s feeling and bring them out in a more healthy way.

On a broader note, it’s mind-boggling that the same people who are obsessed over what two or more people might be doing consensually and harmlessly in their bedrooms or at a music concert, hurting no one and enjoying themselves, are utterly unconcerned with the horrific damage done by billionaire greedheads who pollute and impoverish entire nations simply to buy a few more yachts and private jets. It’s repulsive moral perversion of the highest order, and sane observers shouldn’t be afraid to call it that for fear of offending their delicate sensibilities.

Something is really, really wrong with these people. Not just the politicians, but their supporters, too.


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