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The GOP is Now Officially Against Birth Control by @DavidOAtkins

The GOP is now officially against birth control

by David Atkins

Viewers of the Republican debate in Arizona last night got a chance to see one of the issues on the front burner of the Republican consciousness: does birth control cause immorality, or does immorality cause people to use birth control? No, I’m not kidding:

At 4:59 of the video, Ron Paul generates the following word salad:

As an OB doctor I’ve dealt with birth control pills and contraception for a long time. This is a consequence of the fact that government has control of medical care and medical insurance, and then we fight over how we dictate how this should be distributed. Sort of like in schools, once the government takes over the schools, especially at the federal level, then there’s no right position. Then you have to argue which prayer are you allowed to pray, you get into all the details. The problem is the government’s getting involved in things they shouldn’t be involved, especially at the federal level. [Applause]

And then it gets more surreal:

Sort of along the line of the pills creating the immorality, I don’t see it that way. I think the immorality creates the problem of wanting to use the pills. You don’t blame the pills. I think it’s sort of like the argument, conservatives use the argument all the time about guns. Guns don’t kill–criminals kill! So in a way it’s the morality of society that we have to deal with. The pill is there and it contributes maybe, but the pills can’t be blamed for the immorality of our society.

Watch at 5:40 how Rick Santorum shrugs and smirks uncomfortably when Paul says that the pills don’t create immorality. Rick Santonarola obviously believes otherwise. Right alongside how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, the battle of primacy between immorality and contraception can now take its place among the great theological debates of the 13th century.

Thrice-married Newt Gingrich and Mormon Mitt would rather avoid the question entirely and do their masters’ bidding by framing the issue as one of religious freedom, but neither was actually willing to come out in defense of contraception. Not a single GOP candidate for president was willing to support basic contraception last night. Not one.

This is your modern Republican Party: against not only abortion, but universally against the very idea of birth control as well.

Sweet dreams.


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