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Romneycare: for it for the whole country before he was against it

Romneycare: for it before he was against it

by digby

Uhm, Mitt?

Jonathan Chait discusses a USA Today op-ed from 2009 in which Romney said the same thing, namely that the Obama administration should adopt the Romney plan for the whole country. Meanwhile in the Bataan death march, also known as the Republican presidential debates, he has said this repeatedly:

My health care plan, by the way, is one that under our Constitution we’re allowed to have. The people in our state chose a plan which I think is working for our state.

At the time we crafted it, I was asked time and again, “Is this something that you would have the federal government do?” I said absolutely not.

I do not support a federal mandate. I do not support a federal one-size-fits-all plan. I believe in the Constitution.

I’m surprised his nose didn’t grow right out of the building.

Chait chalks up the Romney opposition’s passivity in the face of such blatant lying to incompetence. But I’m beginning to wonder if this whole primary “battle” hasn’t been some sort of conspiracy cooked up by the Not-Roomneys to con a bunch of wealthy idiots into handing over many millions to line the candidates’ pockets.(In fact, the most “independent” of the candidates has been shockingly kind to Mitt while doing plenty of damage to the others.) Nobody can be that inept.


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