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Blue America welcomes Montana state rep Franke Wilmer

Blue America welcomes Montana state rep Franke Wilmer

by digby

Howie sez:

When I first met Montana state Rep. Franke Wilmer, I walked away thinking how great it would be to have a woman in Congress who is so much like Barbara Ehrenreich. I’ve gotten to know her a lot better now– and I’m more impressed than ever. Her legislative role models tend to run more in the direction of Jeannette Rankin, a Montanan who was also the first woman elected to Congress (from anywhere), and populist lion Pat Williams. Digby, John and I are very enthusiastic about welcoming Franke today as our newest Blue America endorsee. Please be sure to join us at Crooks and Liars at 11am (PT), noon in Montana, to meet Franke for a live-blogging session. If she impresses you the way she has me, please consider contributing to her campaign at the Blue America ActBlue page here.

Please click over to Down With Tyranny to read more about Franke and then join us at C&L at 11.



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