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An Inadvertent Truth From the Cato Institute

By tristero

Now, this is funny:

“We can’t be perceived as a mouthpiece of special interests,” Robert A. Levy, chairman of Cato’s board, said in an interview. “The Cato Institute as we know it would be destroyed.”

Get it? Mr. Levy is clearly saying that the Cato Institute IS a mouthpiece of special interests – of the Kochs’ creepy agendas – but its effectiveness would be destroyed if it becomes PERCEIVED as Koch’s mouthpiece.

What he probably wanted to say was, “We can’t be a mouthpiece for special interests. The Cato Institute as we know it would be destroyed.”

Instead, he inadvertently told the truth. And, as we have learned from Messrs Stewart and Colbert, the truth is often very funny. If not revealing.

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